Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Best CAD CAM CAE FEA FEM Software Packeges for Linux

Are you searching for a Free and Open source software for your CAD CAM or even CAM operations?

CAELinux is the best option for you!

Have a look at CAELinux latest stable version features

CAE Pre-post processors: Salome_Meca 2013.1

  Salome_Meca 2013.1 package consists of Salome 6.6, GMSH 2.5, Netgen 4.9, Tetgen, ElmerGUI 6.2, enGrid 1.4, Helyx-OS,   Discretizer / Discretizer::Setup, Paraview 3.10, CGX 2.6 applications for your pre processor computing operations

CAD-CAM Packeges: LibreCad,  SagCad, FreeCAD 0.13, Salome 6.6, Meshlab, Blender, OpenSCAD, PyCAM 0.6, GCAM, Dxf2Gcode, Inkscape Gcodetools, cadpy, Cura

Finite Element solvers: Code_Aster STA11.3 MPI, Elmer v6.2 MPI, Calculix 2.6 MT, Impact FEM MPI

Computational Fluid Dynamics: OpenFOAM v2.1.1 and Code-Saturne 3.0 both with CFD analysis wizard and tutorials , Elmer FEM Solver,  Gerris flow solver, Javafoil, Javaprop and XFLR5 air foil, propelers and airplane analysis tools.

Multibody dynamics : MBDyn with its Blender interface

Electronics: GEDA suite, Kicad, Fritzing, Arduino, dxf2gcode & cadpy for isolation milling

3D bio-medical image processing:  ITK-Snap with user filters, Image J, Voxel_Mesher

Mathematics &  programming : GNU Octave + QtOctave, Scilab, wxMaxima, R & Rkward, Python Scipy and Spyder, QT Creator, gcc, gfortran, g++, perl, python, ruby compilers/interpreters, Arduino 1.0 IDE

The best thing is - all of the above mentioned software packesges are free and in Built

You may download the Stable version (latest - 2013) over here http://www.caelinux.com/CMS/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=69&Itemid=41&layout=default

to be updated : -

CAE Linux tutorials in PDF
ELMER Tutorials Pdf
KiCAD Tutorial
QT Octave Tutorials
MESHLAB Tutorial in PDF


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